(307) 856 - 5576 240 VALLEY VIEW DR. , LANDER , WY 82520Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 20, assisted housing category: 202/811, contract term: 120 months, 202/8 nc , between 101% & 120% fmr, 1bedroom: $625.00, 2bedrooms
Nicholas Newman
Nothing special about these apartments. Maintenance is lacking. I have been in apartments constructed by the same company that are fairly identical, the same \"wear and tear\" is consistent due to poor construction. CarpNothing special about these apartments. Maintenance is lacking. I have been in apartments constructed by the same company that are fairly identical, the same \"wear and tear\" is consistent due to poor construction. Carpet has not been properly stretched in the apartments and have ripples. Carpet on stairs pulls away from the walls. Keypad door lock rarely is functional. Some tenants trash the place allowing their children to color on walls, throw trash in the halls and dont value the property. The apartments themselves are not layed out too bad, very spacious and are able to easily accommodate a family of 3-5. Had tenants treat the place with respect they would be a great place to live.more ...hide ...