Knox Chooses to Keep Control of Section 8 Housing Administration

Thursday, October 12, 2023 – Knox, NY

In a significant development, Knox has decided not to allow Guilderland to assume administration of its Section 8 housing slots, a decision reached during an October 10 meeting. Supervisor Russ Pokorny conveyed this outcome, revealing that the proposal didn’t garner sufficient support among Knox Town Board members.

The proposal generated significant interest, but the town decided to keep control to preserve its unique identity. Supervisor Pokorny had mixed feelings, considering it a predetermined outcome while regretting the potential loss of identity.

Nonetheless, Knox officials emphasized that residents in need of affordable housing will continue to be well-served under Knox’s administration. The board believed that whether the low-income housing slots were managed by Knox or Guilderland, the essential purpose of Section 8 housing assistance would be fulfilled.

One of the primary reasons Knox decided to keep control of its Section 8 housing was the challenge of filling its 12 slots due to a shortage of available rental properties. The Section 8 program primarily covers rental properties, which are relatively scarce in Knox, making it difficult for the town to utilize all of its allocations.

The proposal to transfer administration to Guilderland was initiated by JEM Inc., the organization responsible for Section 8 in both towns. The primary concern was the risk of losing Knox’s Section 8 slots altogether. Nancie Williams, the Outreach and Home Program coordinator for JEM Inc., emphasized that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has not increased voucher allocations for years.

HUD encourages program consolidation when it makes sense, and the proposal was in line with this recommendation. Guilderland had a Section 8 waiting list with 200 people, and it had been nearly five years since anyone was removed from the list, according to JEM Inc.

Despite the unanimous resolution passed by the Guilderland board on September 19 to accept the transfer of Knox’s slots, Knox’s decision to retain control over its Section 8 housing administration underscores the town’s dedication to its identity and commitment to providing affordable housing for its residents. The debate highlights the ongoing challenges in offering affordable housing in small communities and the importance of considering various approaches to address these issues effectively.

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