(870) 853 - 8833 420 E JEFFERSON ST , HAMBURG , AR 71646Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 12, assisted housing category: 202/811, contract term: 12 months, prac/811 , below 80% fmr, 1bedroom: $543.00,
Rose Williams
Just a comment: I would like to know how a bus driver charged with DWI and endangering minors can be suspended from driving a bus full of children, be suspended WITH PAY? That is absurd. With the given facts, there shJust a comment: I would like to know how a bus driver charged with DWI and endangering minors can be suspended from driving a bus full of children, be suspended WITH PAY? That is absurd. With the given facts, there should be NO PAY. What is she being paid for, putting the lives of children in jeopardy?more ...hide ...