(707) 795 - 4282 770 E COTATI AVE , COTATI , CA 94931Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 37, assisted housing category: insured-subsidized, contract term: 240 months, hfda/8 nc , between 101% & 120% fmr, 1bedroom: $1,489.0
Found out that my mom€™s work order that was reported a couple years ago to have the blinds replaced was refused by Bruce when he was a maintenance there and my mom saw the response of the work order and did not providFound out that my mom€™s work order that was reported a couple years ago to have the blinds replaced was refused by Bruce when he was a maintenance there and my mom saw the response of the work order and did not provide a copy of the response to my mom when she requested a couple years ago. I told my mom to get a copy of that work order and put it in writing requesting it to the new manager that is working there that recently came from working at the main office of EBMC. This is not right and my mom being Elderly can process a fair housing complaint and report to Council on Aging Agency for them to assist my mom about the unfair treatment that is been going on especially on work orders not being followed up on. And the foundation in the apartment is not leveled right and there are certain dips in the flooring.more ...hide ...