1 SAN ISIDRO AVENUE, SAIPAN, MP 96950 670-234-1795 Low Income Apartments & Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Accept Housing Vouchers, Section 8 housing, Northern Marianas Housing Corporation • Total number of rental units: 60 • Total number of low income units for rent: 59 • Type of construction: New construction
• Number of 3-bedroom units: 60
Felicia Rahman
A close friend of mine livesthere Spacious home with its own home appliances like laundry and dryer also the stove with an oven
Saipan: The Northern Mariana Islands (This Is Saip
Ive been on the list for nearly 11 years. Sadly, Im a US Army Vet, disabled living on SSI only, single, male, with no children. For more than a decade my name has been pushed to the bottom, despite the fact a number of oIve been on the list for nearly 11 years. Sadly, Im a US Army Vet, disabled living on SSI only, single, male, with no children. For more than a decade my name has been pushed to the bottom, despite the fact a number of one-bedroom apartments/houses have been open and available in that time period..For me, and likely others like me, the CNMI Housing Authority has FAILED MISERABLY.more ...hide ...