(304) 722 - 5371 1 KANAWHA TER , SAINT ALBANS , WV 25177Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 136, assisted housing category: insured-subsidized, contract term: 240 months, hfda/8 nc , between 101% & 120% fmr, 1bedroom: $684.00
Virginia Adkins
Ive lived there 6 yrs. & its an okay place to live. Came from Charleston where I had lived 11 yrs at Jacob Arbors things were getting dangerous though I was in a secure building but being \"in the hood\" or close to it tIve lived there 6 yrs. & its an okay place to live. Came from Charleston where I had lived 11 yrs at Jacob Arbors things were getting dangerous though I was in a secure building but being \"in the hood\" or close to it then their was the old \"city park\" now called Vista View Apts. Was very glad to leave Charleston & live in St. Albans everything I need is accessible walking to & from.more ...hide ...
Its a nice place but all the children are rude and mean and one day when my mom was outside she i saw two bigger boys ganging up on a smaller boy on the playground and one day i invited my friend over and we were walkingIts a nice place but all the children are rude and mean and one day when my mom was outside she i saw two bigger boys ganging up on a smaller boy on the playground and one day i invited my friend over and we were walking around and some 12 year old boy on a bike called my friend a Fat Wh*re and in October some kid wearing a Five nights at Freddys foxy mask flipped me off when my mom was driving by and when we were moving in a ten year child girl tried to trip my mom and one day a six year old boy called my mom a honky and he said some racial things to her and my mom is scared to go the office about this because shes scared well get kicked outmore ...hide ...