43 Hyden Dr
Philippi, WV 26416
Contact Landlord
☑ Section 8 accepted | Add to favorites | Making a rental inquiry
- Pets allowed: No
- Electric paid by: Tenant
- Water paid by: Owner
- Sewer paid by: Owner
- Hot water paid by: Tenant
- Cooking paid by: Tenant
- Cooling paid by: Tenant
- Heat paid by: Tenant
BAUGHMAN TOWERS (5/5) 212 CHESTNUT ST , PHILIPPI , WV 26416 Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 104, assisted housing category: hud held, contract term: 288 months, hfda/8 nc , between 121% & 130% fmr, 1bedroom: $554.00, Connie Henry
I feel so blessed to live here. The staff are easy to talk to, and take time to make sure we are all safe. I really love it here. Never have I lived in such a clean place, and if something needs fixed they are on it. Th
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Making a rental inquiry | |
PINE BROOKE APARTMENTS (304) 765 - 7738 100 DAYTON RD , PHILIPPI , WV 26416 Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 8, assisted housing category: subsidized, no hud financing, contract term: 240 months, hfda/8 nc , between 80% & 100% fmr, 2bedrooms Making a rental inquiry | |
601 MAPLE AVE, PHILIPPI, WV 26416 Low Income Apartments & Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC), Accept Housing Vouchers, Section 8 housing, West Virginia Housing Development Fund • Total number of rental units: 49 • Total number of low income units for rent: 48 • Type of construction: New construction • Number of 1-bedroom units: 24 • Number of 2-bedroom units: 16 • Number of 3-bedroom units: 8 Making a rental inquiry • Philippi, WV |