Hickory Hill Apartments
103 New York Ave
Salem , WV 26426
Contact Landlord
☑ Section 8 accepted | Add to favorites | Making a rental inquiry
Assisted housing category: Subsidized, No HUD Financing
Owner organization name: Mountain CAP of WV, Inc. a CDC
Management agent organization name: Mountain CAP of WV, Inc. a CDC
Management agent main phone number: 304 472-1500
Management agent email address: SLeggett@mountaincap.com
Hud Administered ind: N
Contract doc type: HAP
Program type: HFDA/8 NC
Rent to FMR ratio: 83.24757004
Rent to FMR description: Between 80% & 100% FMR
Total 2bedroom units: 4
Total 3bedroom units: 4
2bedrooms: $777.00 per month
3bedrooms: $972.00 per month
RANDOLPH TERRACE APARTMENTS (3.6/5) 1 NEW YORK AVE , SALEM , WV 26426 Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 95, assisted housing category: subsidized - previously insured, contract term: 240 months, lmsa , between 101% & 120% fmr, effici Roy Clark
If there were an option for zero or negative. This is one place that would certainly earn a severely negative number. If you are disabled and or have a hearing impairment or anyone I strongly recommend looking elsewhere
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