Elk Riverview Terrace
1 South Main Street
Webster Springs , WV 26288
Contact Landlord
☑ Section 8 accepted | Add to favorites | Making a rental inquiry
Assisted housing category: Insured-Subsidized
Owner organization name: Elk Riverview Terrace Apartments, Inc.
Management agent organization name: National Church Residences
Management agent main phone number: (614) 451-2151
Management agent email address: 0959@ncr.org
Hud Administered ind: N
Contract doc type: HAP
Program type: 202/8 NC
Rent to FMR ratio: 191.9905771
Rent to FMR description: Over 160% FMR
Total efficiency units: 13
Total 1bedroom units: 22
Efficiency: $461.00 per month
1bedroom: $538.00 per month
Inquiry & Reviews (1)
CHERRY FALLS (304) 765 - 7738 807 POINT MOUNTAIN RD , WEBSTER SPRINGS , WV 26288 Housing types: Low Income Apartments buildings / Section 8 vouchers accepted total apartment units: 6, assisted housing category: subsidized, no hud financing, contract term: 240 months, hfda/8 nc , between 101% & 120% fmr, 2bedroom Making a rental inquiry |